We go shopping!
So Noby started “school” last week. Overall I thought it was great and I knew Noby was going to benefit from going. However I also knew it was going to be some work. He has never really been asked to follow rules. He’s never been asked to participate in a circle time or sit for an art project. He had a hard time doing all of these! I think the hardest was transitioning from activity to activity. When asked to washed his hands before snack, all he wanted to do was play in the water. He threw himself on the floor to let everyone know he wasn’t happy. The same thing happened when he was asked to sit at the table for snack or an art project. He didn’t want to sit and let everyone know about it.
Also once a week Molly, from Early Intervention, comes to the house. We’ve been talking about Noby’s difficulty with the group and she first told me to remember it’s only been two weeks (haha) and secondly that Noby has never been asked to do these things before. She said the more he does them the easier it will get. Makes perfect sense, I guess someone just needs to remind you! She told me to work on simple things at home, like having him just wash his hands before meals. Just washing, not letting him play in the water like I’ve been doing. Also changing activities as we play, maybe stopping an activity before he’s actually done with it, telling him “Two more minutes till clean up.”
We have been doing these simple things at home and will see how it works next Tuesday at group. I’ve also been thinking more about what Molly and I talked about. And I have been trying to come up with more ways of doing things at home that will benefit him at school. It dawned on me that of course he wouldn’t want to sit at the little table for snack or play dough or art projects because he has never been asked to sit at a little table before. So today Noby and I ran down to Ikea to try out all the little tables. He was so cute trying to climb into the chairs. We picked one and after I put him to bed tonight I put it together! (Ichiro should be proud!) I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow! AND how long till I find him standing on top of it! hahaha