Today Noby and I had a pretty busy day. It started with my week 30 doctor’s appointment. An appointment I was dreading to go to. After 3 weeks of vacation I was sure my doctor wouldn’t be happy with my weight gain. But the craziest thing happened on this vacation, even after eating pints of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, tons of yummy gummy bears and more chocolate then one person should have, I seemed to have lost, YES LOST 2 pounds!! I have NO idea how that happened!!!! I am now 30 weeks pregnant and have a -2 lb weight gain. My doctor isn’t concerned, she said the baby is measuring normal and as long as I’m eating she is ok with it. I assured her I did nothing but eat this vacation!!
After the doctor’s appointment, Noby and I ran to the store to pick up a few things to make a special dinner for Ichiro’s birthday. Then we headed to the zoo. We had a great time walking around checking out the animals. Today was the first time I let Noby ride the train at the end of the park. He loved it and I better make sure I always to to the zoo with $2!!
He looks sad but that’s because the guy just said the ride was over… lol
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