Sorry I haven’t posted much this week. To be honest there hasn’t been much to write about. We’re still working on potty training, therefore we haven’t gone to far from the house.
Day 4, I took Noby to the doctors with me for my 1 hour glucose test. I was pretty nervous how he would do so I put a pull up on him. Of course he did great!! Even after dragging him to the grocery store after the test, he was dry when we got home. Noby really seems to understand that he shouldn’t pee in his “car underwear.”
Day 5, On the morning of day 5 Noby was still only peeing on the potty when I told him to sit. He wasn’t having any accidents but that was because I was reminding to go. Believe me, I wasn’t upset about this at all, but I really wanted him to tell me when HE had to go. WELL on day 5 it happened. Well kind of. Noby and I were playing and all of a sudden he ran into the kitchen (home of the little potty.) He sat down and PEED!!! I was so excited, even if he didn’t remember to take his underwear off! haha
Day 6, While I was checking my email at the kitchen table, I turned around to find Noby peeing on the potty!! WITH is underwear down!! I’m not sure how it happened but it just clicked with him! I am so impressed how well Noby is doing with this training. Day 6 was also a “school” day for Noby. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to bring him in big boy underwear or if I should stick with a pull up. We, and by we I mean, I decided that we should still go with a pull up, cause I wasn’t ready for it! Noby did great! When it was time to wash his hands for snack I showed him where the potty was at school. I had him sit down on it and he went!! It was so great! When we finally got home his pull up was still dry!
Day 7, Molly came to the house for her session with Noby. She couldn’t get over the fact that we started potty training the day after our IEP meeting. She said “Only you Becky would try to tackle that!” She was so impressed that Noby had been accident free for a few days and even more impressed when Noby wanted to show her how he could use the potty all by himself. She couldn’t wait to get back to work to tell her boss!!!
OK, I promise this is my last post about potty training. I know it’s not very exciting but honestly it’s all we’ve been focused on for the past week. Sunday we leave for vacation and I promise to have some more exciting posts!!
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