“Dissatisfied with stencils of country ducks and painted wooden slices of watermelon, a hodge-podge of friends started the Bazaar Bizarre craft fair in Boston in 2001. years later this community based event is still growing in popularity and has now spread to Cleveland, San Francisco, San Mateo and Austin, Texas!”
If you remember last year, Brenda, Kerry and I headed to the Bazaar Bizarre for the first time to check it out. I was so excited to come back with some of My Paper Crane‘s plushes. I knew she was going to be there and it was one of the main reason I was going. I’m in LOVE with her website and plushes. They are just so cute and make me smile every time I look at them. Last year, I not only got an adorable mushroom and some “used” tissues but I was “that girl” who asked for a picture with Heidi Kenney!! I was so excited!
last year at the Bazaar Bizarre with Heidi Kenney…
At Christmas last year my mom surprised me with another My Paper Crane plush, the burnt toast and he happily sits on my kitchen shelf everyday watching over the toast making.
This year neither Brenda or Kerry were around to go to the Bazaar Bizarre with me but I knew Heidi Kenney was going to be back. I decided to braved the crowds (and T) and headed myself to see what new little guys she had.
Again the line was crazy!! It was held at a different venue (the BCA Cyclorama) and the line went down the block AND back again!
at the mid point…
Inside it was a sea of exciting crafters, I quickly walked around till I found the My Paper Crane table. I saw this little guy and knew he had to come home with me…
After, I walked around and saw so much great stuff this year. To bad I wanted it all for myself and couldn’t justify buying myself stuff so close to Xmas. I walked around and collected a few business cards of crafts that really caught my eye.
The sea of great crafts…
One of the cards I picked up was for Giant Dwarf. As I walked up to the table there was a TON of girls all gathered around, trying on hats. So many girls that you couldn’t even get close to the table. As I waited, I noticed that the woman behind the booth was so beautiful and so classy looking, not to mention so nice. She helped people pick out hats and handed them the mirror to see how cute they looked. I tried on a few hats and knew this is something I REALLY wanted. Each hat was made from recycled material, the hats I was trying on were made from recycled sweaters, how cool is that!!! I walked away from the table, taking her card. I didn’t get very far when I turned around to go get the hat I wanted. I was so afraid someone was going to come in and take the color I wanted. hahaha Well check out my new Giant Dwarf hat….
Like I said there were so many amazing crafters at the show, here are a few links to the ones I picked cards up for…
Beehive Kitchenware They make the cutest pewter kitchen items. The measuring spoons and ornaments were by far my favorites. Check them out…
Figs & Ginger I fell in love with the necklaces from Figs and Ginger. I thought of Noby the minute I saw the necklaces with the birds. They are so adorable.
slaPPhaPPie She made the cutest bags and pillows. It was the owls that caught my eyes originally and then I saw some great mittens for Noby. I wish I picked them up. They would have been perfect for when we played in the snow. I check it out online and there is a local store that might sell them. I’m going to go check it out tomorrow (I think!)
Anyway those are just a few of the awesome crafters that were at this year’s Bazaar Bizaree. It was so much fun to walk around and check them all out. So like the description says, this isn’t your normal craft fair, and like last year they have some pretty good DJs playing music throughout the day. It so much fun to shop with great music…
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