So today Noby and I ran into Stop and Shop to pick up a few things. As with every trip into the store I casually talk to Noby, not paying attention to the people around us.
Today as we wait at the deli, a “wise” old man starts talking to us. The conversation went something like this…
Wise Old Man: He’s cute, Chinese?
Me: Well… Japanese. (Looking away to try to end the conversation)
Wise Old Man: Oh, well is the Dad Chinese?
Me: Well he’s Japanese.
Wise Old Man: Oh right. (long pause) You know you can tell by their eyes.
Me: Yup, I suppose so. (trying not to give him a dirty look) Well we’re off to find something for lunch. Bye. Say goodbye Noby. (starting to walk away)
Wise Old Man: Maybe get him some rice.
Me: (thinking to myself… just walk away, Becky, just walk away)
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