Today was another perfect day at the beach. Only a few clouds in the sky and we all got a little red because of it. So, Noby has no fear of the water! None at all! Today was so hot, and waves were not that big, so I actually took him all the way in the water. He LOVED it. Laughed and laughed. At one point during the day I was sitting in my beach chair and Noby came up behind me. He gave me a little push, meaning “get up Mom, take me in the water!” How could I say no to that!
Here are a few pictures from yesterday…
Trying to get cool by standing in his bucket…
Loving the water…
And today…
Playing in his big hole…
Making our first castle…
Way out in the water… (don’t worry I was kneeling)
Lunch on the beach…
Surfing anyone??
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