So last week Ichiro finds out that he needed to go to NY for the weekend to work in his Dad’s office. He told me that if possible I should go hang out with my parents cause he was going to be busy all weekend. Well my parents already had a trip planned to Chicago for my aunt and uncles 65th birthday party and Brenda was going with them. To make a very long story short my parents said I should go with them, and before I even knew it I had a ticket to fly with them!! It was such a last minute thing but I’m so happy I got the opportunity to go. I haven’t seen the Hansen side of our family since our wedding and no one has met Noby yet. It was great to catch up and show Noby off!!!
Waiting at the airport…
Chilling next to Auntie…
The guests of honor…
Dad drinking the High Life…
Ohhh did I tell you it was a pig roast….
Uncle Pete and Mom…
Grandpa and Memere…
Noby and Amelia playing in ice cold water….
For Great Grandma… the grand kids….
Chilling on the ride home…
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