Matt – I’m happy to report that your Texas Toast has not gone to waste. My dad has been in heaven making Texas Toast French Toast every day since we got here!!! Check it out our cottage even had the same grill!
On the first day we went to the beach Noby LOVED the water. He kept wanting to go deeper and deeper. Well on that first day he also fell into the water and that was it. For the rest of our vacation we couldn’t get him to go near the water. Well leave to to Kathy and my mom, today they got him back into the water and we couldn’t get him to leave!!!
After his nap he even convinced Kelly and Avery to take him in…
Monday night Westerly was having more fireworks at the state beach. We thought about heading to the beach to watch them but decided against it. Wouldn’t you know you could see them perfectly from the left side of our desk. We just moved the chairs from the right side to the left.
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