So every Friday I take Noby to a playgroup that is run by our town. When I signed him up I figured it would be another place where Noby can grow and maybe I could meet some other parents in town. So the first few weeks were tough on Noby. It takes him a while to figure out the routine and be comfortable with it. We went through the same thing with the Early Intervention school we go to. Noby also has a hard time sharing, but I think that’s just the age were at.
So last week we go to Friday’s playgroup and Noby is having a hard day. He was up early that morning and I think he was teething again, anyway he was having a hard day. So there is a father that goes to this group with his son. This is the type of guy who has a story for EVERYTHING and usually the story comes out of the blue. It doesn’t relate to anything we are talking about or the kids at all! The type of person that, to me, is just super annoying!! Anyway I have never really talked to him before. We have been to the playgroup for about 4 weeks now and I honestly think I said Hello a couple of times. So he came up to me Friday, right after Noby had a fit about something.
Annoying Father: Hey
Me: Hey
Annoying Father: Is he an only child?
Me: Yup, I guess he doesn’t share very well yet. haha Is Logan your only child?
Annoying Father: Yes he is our only child. You want to know two things that annoy the hell out of me?
Me: (Only half listening to him) Huh?
Annoying Father: Small yipping dogs and kids that whine all the time. I prayed to God that my kid wasn’t going to be like that.
Me: WHAT? (processing what he just said) I’m SORRY my child has some issues and his crying ANNOYS you.
Annoying Father: That… that… that’s not what I mean….
This is when I picked Noby up and walked across the room. WHO says that to someone!!! Sure you might think it but come on who actually says that to a mother who clearly is having a hard time with her son every time she goes to playgroup.
WTF! I wanted to just pick Noby up and walk out all together.
For the rest of the time we were there he kept trying to come up to me to talk but I just walked away or changed activities with Noby so I didn’t need to be near him.
So this week I was dreading going to group. I really just didn’t want to see that father again. I was SOO happy to find out that he wasn’t there this week.
Noby starts playing with his favorite toys during free play and I notice that Westly is also trying to play with the same thing. Not a big deal, but as I look closer Westly has GREEN SNOT POURING OUT OF HIS NOSE!!! POURING!!!! I heard the teacher say SEVERAL times to the mother “Does Westly need a tissue?” And she didn’t do anything, she just let his nose run. I tried to pull Noby away but of course he wanted to play with his favorite toy. The teacher commented on Westly needing a tissue a few more times and all I could think of was Noby and I getting sick. I almost stood up to get that kid a tissue.
WTF, what is wrong with parents? Why would you bring your child to a free playgroup when it’s clear he’s sick!!!
And wouldn’t you know Saturday I woke up with a sore throat! UGH
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