Yesterday we celebrated Ari’s 2nd birthday with her and all her friends down at the Hamden Gymboree. It was so much fun!! Ok to be honest, Noby had a rough start to the festivities but once we got a little food in him he was good to go. (I was an awful mom and didn’t even think that the 2 hour car ride ended right at his lunch time, OOPS!!) Anyway, we were so happy to be able to share in her special day!!!
The Birthday Girl:
Noby had a great time climbing:
Noby fallowing the birthday girl around:
Avery popping bubbles:
Cupcake Time:
Avery asked for a fork:
Noby would only eat the frosting if I fed it to him:
But the birthday girl had NO problems with the cupcake:
Here she’s checking out the frosting all over her legs:
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