Well I can’t believe it’s been over a week since I last blogged. I have no excuse besides the fact that I just wasn’t feeling it. SORRY!! I guess you can call it my mini blogging vacation! haha Yeah, lets call it that!!
Not much has happened during my little blogging vacation but let me go back and fill you on a few things…
The last time I blogged it was during the day on May 5th. It was Cinco de Mayo, Boys Day AND our anniversary. That night my awesome sister came over to watch Noby while Ichiro and I had a real date night. I can’t tell you the last time Ichiro and I went out just the two of us. It feels like forever ago. We did dinner and a movie but not in that order. haha I know what your thinking, “what a great night, a romantic comedy and romantic dinner.” NOPE that just isn’t us. We saw Wolverine and then that dinner at the Dockside, a local pub. It was a perfect night for us.
Wolverine was AWESOME, if you like the Xmen series you will like the movie. I couldn’t believe we were in there almost two hours. The movie just flew by! Dinner was fun too. We haven’t been to the Dockside for a while so we both enjoyed our favorite meals. Thanks again Brenda for taking care of Noby for us!
Not much happened the next couple of days. But during one lunch Noby thought it would be fun to use his meatballs and sauce as hand lotion. He had sauce EVERYWHERE!
Friday my mom took a bus to Boston to spend the weekend with Brenda and I. We had such a fun weekend. We didn’t do much besides hanging out and shopping. I think the best part was seeing how cute Noby was when he heard his Memere’s voice for the first time. He got ALL excited and just wanted to hug her all night! Saturday after the ladies went shopping we got back to the house and Noby ran right pass me to get hugs from Memere! He just loves her!! Of course I didn’t take my camera out all weekend so I have no photos. Bad Becky, bad Becky!
Sunday the 5 of us, Ichiro, Brenda, Mom, Noby and I, drove to a halfway point between Medford and Suffield. This is where we usually meet up with my Dad. This way we get to see Dad for a little bit and Mom doesn’t have to take a bus home again. It’s a huge shopping plaza so it also means we can do a little more shopping. It was Mother’s Day so we decided to do a nice late-lunch-early-dinner at LongHorns.
When we got home from lunch-dinner, Ichiro had to run to Target. He ended up coming home with some beautiful flowers for me for Mother’s Day. I’m not sure if he did it only because he knew I was a little hurt or what but never the less they are beautiful!
Monday was a day I was looking forward to for a LONG time! I took Noby to see the new pediatrician!
He now goes to the Pediatric Heath Care Associates, and is seeing Dr. Jill. From the moment we walked in I could tell I was going to like the office. You walk and the reception desk is right there. Unlike our last office where there were MANY different offices checking in at the same place, there was always a line, this is just for the PHCA. After checking in the nurse told me I could wait in the Well Waiting Room. What?? She explained that they have two waiting rooms. One for sick kids and one for healthy kids getting yearly checkups. I just LOVED the idea of this, what a great idea. Why would you mix sick kids with healthy kids!! It just seems like such a common sense thing.
So I was already feeling great about this place and we hadn’t even met the dr yet. We were shown to our examining room. Everything just seemed so clean and new. Exactly what you would think a doctors office should be. Not like our old place. Our examining room had a fish boarder on the wall and Noby kept pointing to the fish and “talking” about them. It was so cute, he never stopped, even when the Dr came in. Dr Jill was SOOO nice, I instantly felt comfortable with her and telling her my story was like talking to an old friend. I explained to her that I wasn’t in denial about Noby and that if he has delays or autism that we would do EVERYTHING and ANYTHING in our power to help him but it was just how rude all the doctors (and staff) were at the old office. She couldn’t believe what I was telling her and said she totally understood why I wanted to leave. She went on to say that she definitely would have gone a different road with Noby but in the end he would have ended up where he is now. She said we just had a very bumpy road that she felt wasn’t necessary. For example she said at Noby’s 15 months appointment, with him not speaking, she would have just had me get him evaluated at Early Intervention. She didn’t see any reason for him to see a speech pathologist at that time. She said he was really two young.
I think the best part of the visit was when she said “So just so you know I’m not an expert at this, and we have only been together for 35 minutes so far, but I don’t really see signs of autism in Noby. He is making tons of eye contact with me and is very engaging.” (he hadn’t stopped babbling about the fish boarder) I was so happy to hear that! I mean it’s not to say he doesn’t have some delay and it’s not to say he doesn’t have a mild case of autism but for her to say that made me feel 1000 times better! Again, just talking to her was like talking to a friend and I know I made the right decision on moving Noby to this new office!
The next day Noby got up at 5:30. And that was after he got up for an hour around 2am. I knew something was up but he seemed to be fine so we headed to school. Well during the motor room at school Noby seemed to get very flush and his hands were cold. I knew something was wrong, so I tried to keep him playing in the corner with me. Once we got back to the classroom he didn’t want to participate in anything, not even snack. At that point I knew we needed to leave. So we left school early and headed home. Noby took a long nap and when Ichiro got home seemed to be getting warm. He ended up having a 102.9 fever. Poor little guy. So the next 3 days we have been hanging out around the house. Taking temps, giving meds, eating popsicles and resting.
Yesterday Noby woke up with a 102 fever again so I decided to call the Dr. We were also afraid he had an ear infection because it looked like he was pulling on his right ear. After seeing the doctor it turns out Noby’s ear are clear and its just a cold. There was nothing she can do for him so we were sent home.
Noby got up today feeling better, I think. I wonder if he is still teething, maybe that is what has given him this fever. It looks like he might be getting his incisors, or fangs. But I’m not sure if that would last 3 days.
So now we are finally caught up, you know everything that has happened during my little mini blogging vacation. I’m going to leave you with a little video of Noby playing with a couple of new toys. He amazes us everything day with what he can do!!
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