So last nights bedtime went very well, Noby went right down and climbing out of the crib wasn’t an issue. Well it wasn’t an issue until nap time today. We decided to give the crib a try. No sooner than Ichiro left the room we heard the bang. Right up and over, no fear at all. We knew no matter what we did he would continue to climb over the sides. So Ichiro decided to make the crib into a toddler bed, at least until we get the crib tent in the mail. This way it’s only a foot fall for Noby and not a 4 foot fall. Ichiro said he would put him down for the nap and after laying with him for about an hour Noby finally fell asleep.
Tonight’s bedtime also went ok. After his bath we read a few books and I laid him down. When I left, he cried a little and crawled out of bed. We couldn’t see him in the video monitor so I sent Ichiro up to peak in the room. Noby had fell asleep right in front of the door. Ichiro actually had to push him with the door to get in. He moved him to the bed and he has been there ever since. Let’s just hope it stays that way.
I can’t wait for the bed tent to come in, I think I’ll sleep alot better with him back in the crib!!!
Today we also had to change the toy room around a little. I walked in the room to find Noby standing on top of his new table. Needless to say, I need to be able to see the table at all times. We took the two brown bookshelves down so the table could fit against that wall. I think the room looks great, very spacious with plenty of open space to play.
Last but not least I thought I would share this picture of Noby during his bath today. He did such a great job with this teeth brushing! The musical tooth brush is such a hit! It was so cute so Ichiro grabbed the camera!
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