So this morning, like every morning I woke up to the beautiful sound of my little boy singing to me. It’s a perfect way to wake up and like every morning I click on to the video monitor to see if he’s still laying down or if he’s calling to me in the standing position. This is like my snooze button, if Noby’s standing it’s time to get up, if he’s still laying down, 5 MORE MINUTES!! Well this morning he was… well… laying down however not IN his crib more ON his crib. It’s kind of hard to explain but he was on top of the crib, his legs on one side and this upper body on another. It was like he was trying to climb out of his crib but then found a comfy new position. He wasn’t stuck, he wasn’t crying, he was just hanging out, literally! Of course I freaked out and ran in there, he was just hanging out laughing as I rushed in. Needless to say 1/2 the day has been spent trying to baby proof Noby’s room and figuring out how to keep him in that crib. I’m just not ready for him to be in a big boy bed! We put a door knob cover on the inside of Noby’s room and if he somehow got out of his crib and managed to open the door, I had Ichiro install another baby gate on the top of the stairs. We also made sure all the plugs were covered in his room and moved every thing he could climb on out of his room. To top it all off we overnight shipped a crib tent, hopefully it will work to keep him in.
So the second half of the day was spent working in the back yard. This past week Lizzy has been pressuring me to get it started. I guess I talk about it all the time but kept making excuses on why we hadn’t done it yet. While Ichiro was in Seattle I went to Home Depot and got one of the Bagster bags. This is such a great idea! You purchase the bag at Home Depot for $30, fill it and then just schedule a pick up time for it to be removed. The removal cost is going to be about $130. I think it’s SOO worth it!
Here’s a couple before pictures of our two wood piles…
THE bag…
Not everything fit in the bag, but ALMOST everything fit in. Here’s the after picture so far, we plan to do some more work tomorrow…
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