For a while now I’ve wanted to take a cake decorating class. Maybe I’ve been watching to much Ace of Cake but it just amazes me what people can do with a little cake and fondant. Earlier this week I might have mentioned this to Kelly but said I needed an excuse to make an entire cake. She quickly pointed out that my birthday was Friday. PERFECT EXCUSE!! So this morning, around 6 am (the time Noby decided to wake up) I started my birthday cake. I have to say for my first cake, it’s really didn’t turn out that bad. Its NO Lisa Cake, not even close, but it’s not that bad. I do have to say I can’t believe the amount of work that goes into making and decorating a cake. And mine is a small cake, I couldn’t imagine doing more than one tier. God bless Lisa and ALL cake decorators!
Don’t worry the scrap cake didn’t go to waste!
Marshmallows for the homemade fondant:
Dying the fondant blue:
Making the buttercream:
First layer of cake with buttercream:
Adding the second:
At this point I rolled out the blue fondant, covered the cake and started to decorate it:
My homemade birthday cake:
Doesn’t it look good!!
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