Ok, I know I’m a little overdue for a post. People actually started asking for pictures of Noby! hahaha Not much is really going on here on Cedar Cliff Terrace. We spent a few days this week with Lizzy and the boys. One of the days we even ventured down to Ikea to look for new storage options for the playroom. That was… an adventure, to say the least! Lizzy seems brings out my domestic side even more. She makes all her own bread and keeps telling me how easy it was going to be. haha This week I tried and the first attempt was NOT a success. The loaf of bread was a heavy and as hard as a brick. We never even tried it. At least the salmon I cooked that night came out perfect!!

I think they are going to work out great. I plan to tape picture on the outside of the container so show what is inside.
Our plans fell through for both Friday and Saturday so I have had plenty of time to read. I’ve finished the second AND third books in the Twilight series, New Moon and Eclipse. Each book is over 500 pages and I can’t seem to put them down. I wouldn’t say that I was obsessed or anything BUT I would say that I am very enthralled. Stephenie Meyer’s writing draws you in. I will say it again, Katie and Jo were right!! And I apologies to Katie, it’s not that I was ignoring you and your blog, cause I read it. It was more that I just didn’t take your suggestion, stupid on my part. And I vow, the next time you blog with a book suggestion that I will read it (ok I will look into it!)
And now I will leave you all with a few random pictures of Noby, just like you asked for….

Before we installed the new storage units in the playroom, Noby would climb on the bench and put his legs over the sides. Only fell twice!!!!
How can you stay mad at that face!
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