Today Ichiro had a snow day, so we were able to play all day long!!! It was so much fun!!
We headed out early to finish up our Christmas shopping at the mall. It was busy but not nearly as busy as I thought it was going to be. While we were there, we finally found Noby some snow boots!! Ok, I haven’t really looked till now but I was VERY happy that I found them at the first store and they actually weren’t that expensive. GO ME!!

Check out the bottom of the boots. The sales lady was going on and on about how cute its going to be when he walked around in the snow. I mean ON AND ON. I finally was a little rude and told her I had to go. I had a crying baby and a husband off drooling in the apple store!
We can’t wait to take Noby out for what will pretty much be his first time in the snow tomorrow!! Don’t worry we will take PLENTY of pictures of the cute little footprints! haha
Another huge thing I wanted to do at the mall today was see Santa!! I have been dying to take Noby but really feel like it’s a family thing to do. (Not sure why I feel that way.. but I pretty much make Ichiro go with me!) So we get in line, which surprisingly was not long at all, only one other child before us. The entire set up for Santa pictures have changed and I really don’t think it was for better. The picture lady takes 4 pictures of the child with Santa. Then you leave and get in another line that you wait in to just view the pictures. At this point you pick the picture, pick the number of sheets and pay for your pictures. THEN you get in the 3rd line to pick up the actual picture. Thank goodness the lines weren’t THAT long. I think Ichiro would have killed me if they had been.
So Noby wasn’t really fond of Santa this year. As you all know he doesn’t really smile in public so even if he was fond of him I don’t think the pictures would have been much different. The first two shots Noby was just very unsure and looking like a deer in headlights. And the last two were him starting to cry. If we really wanted we could try again by getting in Line 1 again but we knew the second set wouldn’t be any better!!
As we were leaving the mall the snow was just starting. We headed home so we could all get in our pjs and get snowed in together! I made some beef stew in the crock pot for dinner and have been just relaxing and playing the rest of the day.
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