OMG!! I can’t believe it’s been over a week since I last blogged. Noby and I have been keeping busy with not really doing that much! hahaha If that makes any sense. Here are a few pictures from the past week…
Last weekend the Museum of Science was opening a new exhibit. As members, Ichiro and I had planned to attend the members only showing at 8 am, that was until we got a call form Randy. Randy is one of the Ashihara’s oldest family friends. His parents have know each other for years. Randy was in town visiting his son, who attends North Eastern and asked if we wanted to meet them at the Museum.
Noby is growing so quickly. He is such a little boy now, no more baby. He LOVES to climb and is in and out of EVERYTHING!! The other day we were at Costco and I found some very cute pj for him. Ichiro and I decided that the 18 months pjs looked huge but at least it would give him room to grow. Here’s Noby showing off his new pjs.
Ok so many people say that Noby MIGHT be a little spoiled. I DON’T agree but of course he has gotten a few new things to show off this week….
One of Noby’s new signs is FISH. He gets so excited when he sees a picture in a book or a fish on TV. He signs it over and over again. I wanted to so badly to buy him a goldfish, BUT I’ve done fish before and really HATE cleaning the bowl! We have visited the pet store over and over again and every time I think about buy one. Well check out Noby with his new fish!
Last but not least…. As many of you know, Noby LOVE Thomas the Train. Mr and Mrs Lemoine gave Noby a Thomas the Train video and he would watch it 24/7 if we allowed it. Well someone (my mom) mentioned that they saw a big Thomas at Costco, so while we were there we checked it out! Ichiro thought it would be a good idea to let him try it out….
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