Well tonight is bitter sweet for me. I’m very excited yet sad at the same time. I feel FREE but sad about that. Why you ask, do I have such mix emotions? Well tonight was the first time I put Noby down to sleep without nursing him. It was such a weird feeling. I’ve been wanting to wean him for awhile now but I couldn’t figure out how to stop the nap time and bedtime feedings. I always felt like it calmed him down. That after nursing he knew it was bedtime. Well tonight it actually went WAY better than I ever thought it would. I gave him a cup of milk to drink while I read him some bedtime stores. I kept reading till he finished his milk, then I just told him it was bed time. I put him in his crib, gave him his monkey, covered him with his blanket, turned out the light and left. No crying, no whining, nothing!!!! He went right to sleep!!!
Day 1 of the Weaning = Success
Noby LOVES his rocket ship. Today we played in it for hours. He kept asking me to show him how the zipper works. I think he’ll have that figured out pretty soon! He is SOO smart! Also he keeps pointing to the rocket fabric and calling the rockets fish!! Ok, so he’s not THAT smart! haha Several people have asked about Noby’s rocket ship. If I REALLY made it.. If so, HOW… What pattern did I used. The other night when I first blogged about the finish rocket I never really explained how it came about. Noby was really into climbing under everything in the playroom so I thought he needed some type of playhouse, at the time I was thinking teepee. I was surfing around random Esty accounts when I came across a lady who made felt play houses. I loved the idea that her house fit right over a card table. That way if we needed to make room we could easily take it down. Her design was simple and if I copied hers I could have been done in days, but I, of course made things MUCH harder. I decided to do something a little more boyish and I decided to make it fun both inside and out. Unlike hers, that is only on the outside. So Yes I did make it and no I really didn’t have a pattern. I had an idea of what I wanted, door, window, a control panel, some pockets and I just went from there. If you look closely there are MANY mistakes, things I could have done better but Noby loves it and that is all that really matters!!!
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