Sorry I haven’t been on top of my blogging, the weekend was pretty busy. It all started Friday night when Ichiro got home from work. It was only a few years ago that a Friday night would be filled with clubbing at Avalon or drinking at a bar. Well these days Friday night was filled with a trip to Toys R Us! Yup that’s right a trip to Toys R Us. Last week I was sweeping the kitchen and Noby just couldn’t get enough of the broom. He wanted to sweep and wouldn’t give me my broom back. You should have seen him trying to push the full size broom around. Well Friday we got him his very own broom, so now he can help me clean the kitchen.
My sewing stuff has been all over the downstairs and its been hard to live around it. I really didn’t have a place to keep the machine set up so every time I wanted to sew I would have to set it up and then take it down so Noby couldn’t get it. Well Friday Ichiro suggested that we make the second bedroom in to a guest/exercise/computer/CRAFT room instead of what it is now, a guest/exercise/computer room. The plan was to move all the filing cabinets and computer stuff not in use into the hall closet where all my craft stuff was tossed into. So Saturday was filled with trying to organize all my craft stuff and empty the hall closet so Ichiro could move his stuff in. We pretty much worked on that all day and it’s still not done!! Here’s a picture of what it looks like now. You can’t walk in there! 🙁 OH YEAH! During the day we took a break to run to costco. Ichiro got me a HUGE gift for the room!! I’m not going to tell you what it is till I can show you a picture of it in the room!
As we were cleaning up for a visit from the Bajkos on Sunday, I noticed that the kitchen faucet was leaking. There was water all over the counter and after taking it all apart, Ichiro decided we needed new one. Later in the day we headed to costco again and got a new faucet. Check it out…
Mo, Jeff and Bree came over to pick up their computer, it’s been like 6 months that we’ve had it!!! OOPS!! It was so great to see them!! I’m so bummed that I forgot to take out the camera to get a few shots of the kids playing together! The Bajkos were so nice and came with a birthday gift for Noby. He loved them and I took a few pictures of him later in the day playing with his new truck and wearing his new hat.
Here are a few more of him playing on Sunday… (Kelly check out his shirt!! We love it!!)
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