DOMO! I’m serious, he is just so helpful! Several people have asked who this new member of our family is and how they can get one. Well Domo is actually a Japanese movie star!! He is now appearing in several shorts on US’s Nickelodeon. He’s a little strange creature that hatched from an egg, his favorite food is Japanese-style meat and potato stew and has a STRONG dislike for apples (haha just like Ichiro!) Also like Ichiro, he is known to pass gas repeatedly when nervous or upset. Domo is know to watch a bit to much TV (like someone we know), that leads to him imagining himself as different characters – often with disastrous results. As you can tell Domo was just a natural fit to come live with us!!! He has been so helpful in all the work around the house. So some of you asked how you could get a helpful Domo too, well stick around he might just have some friends visiting from Japan very soon!!!
Check out everything he did today…
Like I said Domo is just so handy!! Everyone should have one!! Besides all the work on the porch, he also was in charge of listening for Noby while he napped. Domo is very helpful but there is only one problem. He is eating us out of house and home!! Check out how much he has grown in the matter of weeks!!!

Domo watching Noby sleep on the monitor, LAST week! As you can see he is about the same size as the monitor.
I guess we should have never starting feeding him that Japanese food!!!
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