Saturday morning we packed the car and headed down to the Cape. We had planned to leave at 7am but I’m sure you can guess that it never happened. We finally made it on the road by 10, only 3 hours past the original departure time. It didn’t end up being a big deal, we hit a little traffic but nothing crazy.
Sitting in bumper to bumper traffic waiting to cross the bridge.
Are we there yet??
We were not able to check in until 3 pm, however we headed down so early because Matt, Sarah and Bodie were there waiting for us. They were on the Cape the week before and planned to stay a couple of extra days to hang out. They too were not able to check in till 3 however the hotel they were staying at had an indoor pool we were able to hang out at.
Here we are with our boys.
Noby’s first time in a swimming pool.
That night we started the Wii Olympics. Megan surprised us all but taking the gold in Mega Pin Bowling!!
Megan in action! Taking home the Gold!
Keith kicking Ichiro’s butt at tennis!
The games would continue on Sunday!!
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