As some of you know my husband is a bit of a geek. He’s not only a computer geek, a video game geek and a nascar geek but the list actually goes on. I’m sure not everyone knows but Ichiro is also a space geek. He LOVES watching the NASA Channel and everything that goes along with it. I know… I know… I picked a WINNER!!
Anyway I guess I feed right into him. For his birthday I got him his FIRST Nascar tickets, for our Anniversary I got him the NEW Video iPod, and for many many holidays I got him video games for a video game system that I stood in line for OVER 9 HOURS! What to do about NASA?? Well now I can SEND HIM TO SPACE…. well at least his name!!!!
NASA is collecting names that will be placed onboard the LRO spacecraft for it’s mission to bring NASA back to the moon. You even get a certificate to print out. How geektastic!!!
To send your name to space… click here!!
I sent the entire family…
The Geeky Dad!
The wonderful, beautiful Mom!
The adorable little son!!
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