Today was a big day in the Ashihara house.
I guess I should start with the tale from last night… So I sent Ichiro out to Worchester to see Bill and his new band play. I was pretty jealous, if we had a babysitter I would have totally gone. Anyway SO he leaves, I figure I would watch a chick flick, maybe play a little Wii. Well of course Noby kept waking up, I was up there rocking him for over an hour. Poor little guy was so uncomfortable I finally had to give him some Tylenol. So I come back down stairs, watch the rest of my movie and then start unlocking worlds in Mario Kart. Anyway I stupidly stay up till about 2:30 am playing. So of course today of all days Noby decides he will wake up at 5:30 am, not his normal 8. 🙁 Needless to say I am pretty tired.
So we get up at 5:30, I take Noby to bed hoping a little boob and he will go back down, NOPE, he wanted no part of the boob, no part of our bed. He was just not having it. We come downstairs to play a little and for some reason I check, FINALLY!!! WE SEE TOOTH!!! His bottom right tooth is peaking through the gums. Here are my attempts at a picture…
Nope, didn’t work…
Failed again…
I finally got him to open up but of course the camera wasn’t close enough to see the tiny white tooth spot. LOL
Our other BIG news today is that Noby got his Big Boy Car Seat today!!! Noby looks so much more comfortable AND safe in his new RECARO car seat!! Recaro makes racing seats so naturally Ichiro thought Noby needed this one. It’s so nice and SAFE, their tag says “don’t get cute, get Recaro.” But I think its cute anyway. Here’s Noby trying out his new seat in the playroom.
“I’m a big kid now!”
It was such a BIG day we went to celebrate with dinner with Niels, Rebecca and little Lana. Like always it was so great to see them. We always have such a wonderful time sharing stories of being parents while we eat the best pizza in Belmont! Lana is getting so big! She’s 5 weeks now and just so freaking adorable!! Thanks again guys for the invite!
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