So as many of you know I came to CT for several different reasons. I need to be here on Wed to help my mom with the school kids and again on Sunday for a shower. It didn’t make much sense to travel back to Boston on Thursday and back again to CT on Sunday. So I decided to stay and help my mom around the house. Our 5 days were going to look something like this…
Wednesday: Get the kids off the school bus for my mom while she goes to the Dr with my dad.
Thursday/Friday: Help my mom get the family room together. She wanted to paint, get a new area rug, new curtains.
Saturday: Take Noby to visit his two great-grandparents.
Sunday: Go to one of my bestest friend ever Sarah’s baby shower.
It was a perfect mix of work and fun!
I think my story needs a little back story for everyone that doesn’t know what’s going on with my family. It will only make what I’m about to tell you funnier.
My dad is waiting for hip replacement surgery. Right before the original surgery date he went in for blood work and it came back that he was anemic. Well his surgery has been put on hold and he is going through a series of tests to try and determine where the bleeding is coming from. This is why I needed to be home on Wed, my dad was having one of the tests done.
My mom has some pretty bad torn ligaments in her ankle. She goes to physical therapy once or twice a week however it just came back that they don’t think it’s working. The Dr believes she might need surgery and until then she has to wear this big plastic “boot.” She is NOT a happy camper.
So anyway, I come to CT to help, that was my intentions all along, remember the perfect mix of work and fun! Well Wednesday night, I show my mom a couple of dots that appeared on my upper stomach, right hand side. She told me to put some itchy cream on it and that was the end of it. On Thursday while Kathy was over helping me paint the family room I happen to show her. Yes I pretty much flashed Kathy. But the rash was getting itchy and I wanted to see if she thought I could put something else on it.
Kathy took one look at it and told me I should have it looked at. She told me it looked like something but didn’t want to alarm me!!!! ALARM ME?? Now she HAD to tell me what she thought it was. (I’m not going to tell you what she said). Anyway I started to freak out and my mom called her Dr to have me checked out. I went into their Walk In Clinic and after a two hour wait and finding out they did NOT take my insurance, they confirmed what Kathy original thought.
They doctor said its VERY uncommon in young people like myself but can be brought on by high stress and lack of sleep, esp if they had a minor case of the chicken pox. HELLO??? that IS my life right now!! So she goes on to tell me I should not be around young children who have not had the chicken pox or the vaccination for it, older people with weak immune systems and pregnant women!!!
HELLO! I have been at my mother’s daycare for two days, with my dad who is anemic right now = weak immune system and I am going to a BABY shower on Sunday. Could my life get any worse???
So I leave the dr office almost in tears and head back to my moms. (All I wanted to do was cry to Ichiro but in CT you can’t drive and be on a cell phone.) I get to my mom’s and now she has to call all her daycare families and tell them that their children have been exposed to chicken pox. They all took it better than I thought. While she was making those phone calls, I was calling all everyone involved in the shower. I am so sad I can’t make Sarah’s shower but she promised me pictures of the baby bump!
So I came to CT to help my mom but so far I have manager to stress her out even more!!!
Tomorrow I promise to post some pictures of the room we have been working on. Its 1am and I am just too tired tonight!!!
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