So lately Neko has been trying my patience. She knows she’s not allowed in the pack n’ play however everyday I find her in there. It doesn’t matter if I put the net on it or not, she finds her way in it. Neko just sits there and stares at me, almost saying “HA HA HA!”
Neko, just sitting there laughing at me!
Tonight as we sit on the couch watching American Gladiator and playing before bedtime. All of a sudden we hear a blood-curdling scream from the kitchen. We knew exactly what had happened. One of the cats, our guess Neko, had attacked Inu. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure Inu deserved it. Anyway Inu came running and crying but seemed ok. We go back to playing with Noby. All of a sudden I look down at the floor and see blood EVERYWHERE, on the floor, on the side of the coffee table, EVERYWHERE! I look over to Inu on the couch and see this…
And this…
He is rubbing his ear all over the couch! There is blood everywhere. We toss Inu in his cage and look at the damage. Thank GOD we got the fabric protection on the couch! I’ll be calling tomorrow!
Here is Inu in his cage. You can clearly see the blood that dripped off his ear. The part that it hard to see in this picture is that all his fur is pink. Poor Inu, not only was he attacked by a cat, but now he needs a bath.
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