In an effort to organize this house, tonight I battled a battle that I’ve been putting off for a while now. When my mom stayed with us after Noby was born she even offered to tackle it, but I wouldn’t give it to my worse enemy.
The battle of socks!
Ichiro and I have more socks then two people should have. They started off in one drawer and slowly creep-ed to two, then three. We would spend an enormous amount of time trying to find a pair that match and on any given day you could bet Ichiro’s didn’t. He always gave up!
Well tonight I tackled it, I gave in, I had had enough! I first organized by style, low whit socks, black socks, color/fun socks, high white socks, hiking socks, and socks we got in Japan. YES I had an entire pile of socks we got in Japan. They’re great, they have toes! (My (fill in the blank) went to Japan and all I got were socks!) If there wasn’t a match, in the trash they went! If there was a hole, in the trash they went! If they were just really old, in the trash they went!
What a Friday night!!!
My piles of socks! Check out the little pile on the right, JAPAN SOCKS!!
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