So Brenda and I didn’t get very far the other day with our cookie adventure… as you recall we only made the Spritz cookies. So today, Ichiro didn’t go bowling and volunteered to watch Noby while I went to Brenda’s to finish the cookie cooking. Ok maybe he didn’t volunteer but he didn’t say no when I suggested it.
The plan was to make chocolate covered pretzels and ginger bread men. Well again that was a little ambitious but we did mange to get all the chocolate covered pretzels done. And I have to say they came out pretty darn good. Very gourmet!! They were all covered with chocolate and then they were either rolled in M&Ms, walnuts, Oreos, sprinkles, or doubled dipped in peanut butter. Like I said, Very Gourmet!!!
Showing off our hard work! (We even dress alike!)
I thought this was going to be a good idea for the left over chocolate and broken pretzel pieces but I was wrong.
Random Noby Shot:
Noby cooking Spritz Cookies with us the other night. As you can tell he also thought it was a lot of work for such a little cookie.
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