So this morning was our last doctors appointment BEFORE the due date!! It was exciting and I was so happy Ichiro could make this one. They started like every other… blood pressure (first time it was a little high – but not concerned), weighing (actually LOST 3 lbs!! – she said it happens), and I peed in a cup! lol The doctor came in and measure my stomach, I think she said I was measuring at 38 weeks and she said the baby should be about 7/8lbs. She listened to the baby’s heart beat and everything sounds normal. Next was the yucky internal, last week we had no progress, THIS WEEK??? 3 cm!!! I was so excited to hear that news!! The doctor said it could happen anytime and if it didn’t she would induce me on Sept 25 (please God NOT that!) So there is an end in site but the she didn’t think I would last that long!
So last night Ichiro said “Maybe we should get a few things ready…” Here are a couple of pictures of him putting the swing together. I think he took that first part apart 3 times…
How does this work??
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