Today was a day to get stuff together. Well for our room at least. Last weekend Brenda and I painted the room and its looks great!! Today I did the final touch up, sewed the curtains, hung pictures, put the bassinet together and set up the changing table. Here are some pictures…
The bassinet, not sure what side to put it on yet. For now it will be on my side.
Check it out!!! There use to be a closet there!
Not the best picture but that is where our new dresser will go. (When Target finally ships it!)
Finally got to hang the mirror I purchased years ago!
Sorry Ichiro, you lost your drawer!
While I was working on our room, Ichiro was hard working on the baby’s room. He finished the taping today so painting SHOULD start tomorrow!
My man, hard at work…
My man, taking a break! lol
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