What an exciting day!! Today Ichiro and I went to our first trimester ultrasound. I was so excited for Ichiro to see our little one on the ultrasound, seeing that he missed the first one. I had no idea what to expect but could not believe what we saw when the doctor first put that wand to my stomach. We have a little baby!!! No longer looks like a blob! Bet you can’t guess what was the first thing out of Ichiro’s mouth… go ahead guess… “WOW, look at that resolution!!!!” Ichiro will always be Ichiro!!! Check out our little baby…
She/He is waving at you!! How freaking cute!!!
In other baby news… Joanna and Shawn welcomed their beautiful daughter this morning at 12:34 am. Avery Maredith Cormier was 7lbs, 2 oz and 20.5 inches long. We had such a great time visiting and I couldn’t believe Shawn got Ichiro to hold Avery.
Check out the picture Ichiro got of Inu and Chloe snuggling on the “correct” new couch…. They can’t wait for tomorrow too!!!!
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