So I just wrote several pages about my day today and then computer crashed. Ichiro always tells me to SAVE what I’m working on. Did I?? NO!
So I start again (saving every other line!)
My adventure today actually started on Sunday. After breakfast, at our normal place, Ichiro tells me that we were going to Jordan’s to pick out my birthday gift. I couldn’t believe it! I have been complaining about our couches for MONTHS, but Ichiro kept telling me, “No they are fine.” So we walked Jordan’s SEVERAL times and could only agree on ONE couch. That’s right, only ONE. It’s a sectional (Ichiro’s choice) but still modern, comfy, and with no 80’s style arms (my choice.) I couldn’t believe it!! We were getting a new couch!! I was so excited!!
All week, I have been counting the days and last night I had a hard time sleeping!! During the week we moved stuff around, moving the love seat to the dining room, Ichiro rewired all the electrical stuff, and then this morning we went to move the large sofa bed into the dining room. Guess what we learned today. The two doors into our family room are different sizes. We couldn’t fit the large sofa into the dining room. I will give you one guess where that couch ended up. I looked around the 1/2 empty room and decided I couldn’t bring new couches into this dirty room. So I call my mom!! hahhaa She tells me to wash the walls, take down the curtains, and sweep the floor. “THEN it will feel better” she tells me. Mom’s are always right!!! I took down the curtains, bleached the walls, and swept the floors. The room looked great and just in time because I could see the delivery truck outside.
I couldn’t stand it I was so excited. So they try to bring in the first piece. They have a lot trouble and the guy actually said “We were lucky,” he didn’t think it was going to fit. Whatever, it was in my living room!! I was so excited. Ok, it was WAY bigger then original thought but whatever it looked so nice against the bleached walls!! So the men went out for the second part. I couldn’t stand it, I started to IM Ichiro. Again they have trouble with the second part, but they get it in. As they are putting non scratch things on the bottom of the feet, I begin to think something looks a little funny. So I say, “Ummm how does this work??” “You just hook them together,” he says to me. So I say, “But there are to many arms?” During this entire time I am thinking “PLEASE DON’T BE WRONG!” The man turns around and says “ohhhh nooo.”
The nice guy tells me that I should tell the Service guy on the phone that I am having company tonight and need couches and that they are not allowed to take the wrong couch back. He assures me that leaving the wrong couch will make them replace is faster, seeing that i don’t actually own this couch. So I tell the Service guy this and he tells me he will call me back with a time they can do the replacement. OK 🙁
So I wait and wait and wait for the phone call, my hopes of them coming today getting less and less. Finally they call and tell me they only have time to pick up the couches NEXT week, Thursday or Friday. SO I say “Next week??” and the man says, “Yes, that’s all we have.” There was silence and I say, “OK, but just to let you know, I have 2 cats and 2 dogs and I am trying my hardest to not let them on this couch I don’t own but this is going to be a problem for an entire week. I just want you to know this.” hahaha I get, “Please hold.” 2 minutes later he tells me they will be there on Saturday!! hahhaha I WIN!!!
So I took a few pictures….
Looks nice doesn’t it?? This is me pretending it all fits.
OK.. OK… That’s what it really looks like!!
Pictures of the fabric….
So you ask… where are the old couches?? What is going to happen to those lovely 80’s couches??
Well they are going to this cutie…..
But he better come get them soon because I don’t know long how I can live like this…
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