I managed to kill my Mother In Law’s Tongue! This plant has been in my kitchen for years and years. It was left by Kerry when she moved to Arizona. I often left guilty because I would forget to water it, but the plant never really seemed to care. Last weekend Ichiro and I were out shopping and I bought some glass balls that automatically water your house plants. Ichiro’s mom has them in all her plants and every time we go to her house I think about how we need these. So when we got home I filled the glass balls and put them in my only two house plants. Well it turns out the Mother In Law’s Tongue doesn’t really like to be well watered. haha In less than a week, I’ve managed to kill my (ok Kerry’s) beautiful houseplant. Before today I didn’t even know the name of the plant, Kerry had to fill me in. She sent me to its Wikipedia page and the page clearly states, “It is popular as a houseplant as it is tolerant of low light levels and irregular watering; during winter it needs only one watering every couple of months. It will rot easily if over watered.” OOPS!!!
Becky, in the kitchen with the….
Poor, poor plant…
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