Sunday was the weirdest weather day ever. At one point there was a blizzard, 10 minutes later blue skies. At one point it was snowing with blue skies. We had no idea where the snow was coming from.
Sunday afternoon Shawn, Avery, Ichiro, Noby and I headed to Together in Motions for a little playing. Both Shawn and Ichiro wanted to check this place out. I think we all had a great time, you can tell from these pictures…
Ichiro helping Noby stand!
Avery loves crawling over….
and through everything!
Noby doesn’t look to sure about this one.
The Thinker!
Shawn and Avery playing on the parachute.
What great dads!
I think Ichiro would do great with a second!!
After the kids played, the dads needed some “play” time too. We headed back to the house for tacos and Wii.
Shawn rocking out with Guitar Hero.
Well Shawn and Avery’s trip out lasted a little longer then originally planned. It was dinner time and because Noby hasn’t started solids yet, he had nothing to share. Well I plan to make all of Noby’s baby food and tonight I had my first opportunity to try making it. Avery didn’t love it, but I’m sure it was just because she’s not use to homemade baby food. She did pretty good with the carrots and apple sauce, but didn’t really like the green beans. Oh yeah and she loved the Cheerios, of course! It was good practice for me and now I can’t wait to start Noby on solids!!
Carrots, Green Beans and Apples… Baby Style! I love the Magic Bullet!
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