I just wanted to let EVERYONE know that last night Noby slept in his own room!!! A HUGE thank you to Don and Tinny for the monitor, it working out great. Ichiro and I made a deal that I could try for two months (till his 6 month birthday) to get Noby to sleep in his own crib without the “cry it out” method. I just don’t believe it’s beneficial to any of us to allow him to cry till he falls asleep. If on his 6 month birthday he still cries when you put him down, I will NOT be allowed to pick him up to comfort him.
Well last night was the first time I tried him in his crib, using my method. I nursed him, and put him down and he feel right asleep. I think he loves his bed!!! He did get up 3 times to eat during the night but went right back to sleep in his crib. I am just so excited! I hope it continues to be this easy, I know, I know… not likely!
I have to admit that I am VERY tired today. Although Noby had a great night sleep in his crib, I however was up all night watching the monitor.
This picture was taken a few days ago, Noby was just chillin’ in his crib.
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