So I’ve decided to photo-blog, not sure if that’s a real thing but I am much better at sharing pictures then writing!!!
Today was such a great day. We started the day by taking the train to Kodaino to visit the Ashihara family plot. It was an amazingly touching experience and I was honored to be able to be part of it. We first visited the care takers office. We ordered flowers and got the family bucket. Mr. Ashihara said their bucket had to be more then 50 years old. The history behind this process is just amazing. Taking care of the family plot is passed down from generation to generation. It’s an important job for the family.
This is inside the care takers office. The walls are lined with family buckets.
This is the Ashihara’s bucket. It says Ashihara Family on the front, with the crest. On the back it names the care takers office and the side of the handle gives the location of the plot. I LOVED the buckets, the fact that they had so much history.
On the way to the plot you fill the bucket with water to wash down the stones. Here’s a picture of Mr. Ashihara washing down the plot.
Flowers and incense were added.
This stone lists all the names of family members that are buried at the plot.
We were each given some time to talk to the ancestors. I can’t even explain how touched I was to be able to share this experience with the Ashiharas.
After we headed to a hip shopping area of Tokyo. We heard of a store that dedicated an entire floor to Hello Kitty! Kelly, you would have LOVED it!!
The store was about 6 floors in all, each floor had different themes. This store was so fun, other items they had were Tickle Me Elmo, who spoke in Japanese, stomping Mickey Mouse figures (check out Ichiro’s blog later for video), solar powered plants!!! Wish I had more room in my suitcase!!
Next we walked over to the Meiji Jingu Shrine which is dedicated to a former emperor of Japan. It is built in the middle of Tokyo, similar to Central Park in NYC. A little peace in a VERY busy city!
The entrance
These are barrels of sake from all over Japan that were offered to the emperor.
This area outside the entrance to the shrine is used to wash your hands, this is done for purification purposes.
Walking around the shrine.
This is the main part of the shrine. You can make a wish by throwing a coin into the wooden boards in the front, bowing and making a wish.
I loved this tree. It held tablets with special prayers and gratitude statements made by visitors. They are hung around this “divine” tree and are offered up at the morning ceremony that is held every day.
Close up of the tablets.
One last picture… Ichiro and his dad talking about cameras. I can’t say it enough, like father like son!!! (“LORD help our baby” – Maybe that was my wish!!!) LOL
OH WAIT!!! This is for Jeff, You don’t need to grill anymore. Mo makes a MEAN burger!!!
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