Well it’s only about 10:15 pm here and both Ichiro and I are about to crash. I wanted to post the few pictures from the day. I can’t type a lot so I will just write a caption under each. I’m sure we will have more tomorrow.
We spent the day getting ready for the party. Here are some pictures of our venture out to the courtyard for lunch.
Our self portrait out in the courtyard of the hotel. Behind us is the department store we went to yesterday.
Mr. Ashihara playing with his new toy. Like father like son!!!
Picture of the hotel from the courtyard. We are on the 18th floor, 21 floors in total.
Ichiro ironing his pants. I learned that Ichiro DOES know how to iron! Guess I won’t be doing that for him anymore!!!!
Today was the most anticipated event of the trip. The Ashihara’s Introduction of the new Mr and Mrs Ashihara (and baby). We only took a handful of pictures at the party, but don’t worry we should receive a CD of them sometime soon.
Thanks to Brenda, I was looking so cute in the headband and necklace!!!
The famous Mr. K, maker of the Z – Car.
Largerthenlife video screen to watch our wedding video on!
All of Mr. Ashihara’s cousins got together to get me this string of pearls! Aren’t they gorgeous!!! Sorry Brenda, but your Vegas necklace came off and it was replaced by these for the night.
That’s all I have for now, I am starting to fall asleep at the computer!!!
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